Entries by Work Permit South Africa

SAQA Processes: Processing Timeframes And Stumbling Blocks

In a recent conference organised and hosted by Xpatweb, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) was one of the hot topics. As of recently, many in the Immigration and Mobility services industry have been facing frustratingly lengthy delays with regards to the issuance of SAQA evaluation certificates, for their clients/employees’ foreign qualifications. What used to […]

Withdrawal Of Waiver For Critical Skills Graduates In SA

Foreign Nationals who completed their studies in a one of the occupations listed on the Critical Skills List, were in the past, under Ministerial waiver, granted exemption from certain requirements. One of the requirements being post qualification experience, as well as the requirement for a letter confirming they qualify as a Critical Skill, from the […]

New Work Visa Adjudication Process – Correct Strategy, But Expect Teething Problems

The Department of Home Affairs (“DHA”) has recently introduced a centralised adjudication system which sees that all long-term visa applications submitted through a South African Embassy or High Commission (Missions) (in countries where South Africa is represented) are being sent to the DHA Head Office in Pretoria. Previously, these applications were adjudicated and finalised by […]