Do you require a short-term work visa?
This category of visa is ideal for candidates who are required to enter South Africa on an urgent basis for a period of up to 6 months. Section 11(2) of the Immigration Act permits an applicant to apply for a visa with work authorisation in order to conduct certain work-related activities.
It is important to note that this is not a work visa and that it is only to address an immediate short term or urgent need for a limited duration of work related activity where an applicant cannot apply for a work visa. The authorisation cannot be used in place of a work visa for ongoing regular work activity.
What are the benefits of a Visitors Visa Section 11.2?
- Work on a temporary basis (3 – 6 months).
- Renewable within South Africa.
- Exit and re-enter South Africa freely.
- Does not allow one to change to a long term work permit within South Africa.
What are the requirements?
Inter-alia with the visa application, one must be able provide proof of the project being held in South Africa from often both the South African- and foreign entities. In addition, the following quintessential documents are required:
- Flight itinerary confirming travel to South Africa and return 90 days later
- Proof of reservation of accommodation where the candidate will be residing in the Republic
- Documentation confirming the reason and duration of the visit
This visitor visa must be applied for in the applicant’s home country or country of permanent residence and applications take approximately 5 – 10 working days to be processed. The applicant cannot apply for any other longer-term visa within South Africa with this visa and will be required to return to his/her home country before the expiry of the visa and/or the extension thereof.
Why Us?
Work Permit SA has an experienced and dedicated team of immigration specialists, master tax practitioners, commercial attorneys, chartered accountants and mobility practitioners. Our competitive advantage is adding a layer of tax optimisation to the process thus always ensuring tax and residency implications are taken into account.